Student and professor in the Bloomberg Lab



Stuart是AACSB认证的. Only 6% of Business Schools Globally Are.

—Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International

Chicago Skyline Ariel View 280x150

Only Business School in a Tech-Focused University in Chicago

TFE Times最佳排名

硕士 项目 Nationally Ranked by TFE Times (2024)

M.S. Management Science and Analytics (#16), M.S. 营销分析(#23),M.S. 金融(# 26)

A student speaks with a potential employer at a career fair.

Your Career Success Is Our Priority

Stuart graduates are in high demand and hired by top companies, such as CME Group, Exelon Corp., Amazon, Deloitte, Extreme Networks, Caterpillar Inc., Nielsen, Northern Trust, and many more. You’ll have the support and resources of our Career Management Center (CMC) from your first day at Stuart and throughout your career.

Stuart student conducting research

Elevate Your Future in Business

Your Stuart degree comes with a guarantee. 威尼斯人平台’s unique Elevate program guarantees personalized mentorship, plus opportunities for hands-on experiences—such as internships, 集团项目, and research—that prepare you to land a great job and advance in your career.


有问题? 与我们联系

Claire Johnson, 斯图尔特商学院

与我们的 Director of Student Recruitment Claire Johnson for answers to your questions about Stuart degree programs and the application and enrollment process.


Join us online to talk with Stuart faculty and program directors about our programs and how to apply. Check out the schedule of events and register to attend.